Current exhibitions

Information about the temporary expositions of the Museum of Montserrat, that are displayed in the Pere Daura and Pere Pruna rooms at the Museum, and that pay special attention to contemporary artists and the dialog with the world of culture.

LAUS DEO. Anton Lamazares

Laus Deo. LamazaresMarch 22 - October 15, 2024Curator: Moishan Gaspar Anton Lamazares exhibits a very personal proposal. His works bring us messages from some of the most outstanding mystical authors, among which St John of the Cross is prominent. Some of Christianity’s greatest authors are also present, with St Benedict and St Bernard. The exhibition “Laus Deo” marks the recommencement...

Givins 2012-2022

Givins 2012 - 2022April 5 to june 30, 2024Curators: Sílvia Muñoz d'Imbert and Santi Barjau «Givins 2012 - 2022» is an exhibition of gratitude to all the donors who, with their generosity, have become part of the history of the Museum of Montserrat and, above all, a tribute to the man who has been the soul of the Museum for more than four decades, Fr. Josep de Calassanç Laplana. The...

Montserrat, monastère millénaire

Montserrat, monastère millénaireApril 23 - June 26, 2024Centre d'études catalanes, Sorbonne Université, ParísCurator: G. Xavier Caballé Montserrat is present all-around Catalonia. In almost any city or town it is easy to find representations of the Lady of Montserrat, churches with her name, tiles on the front of houses, as well as streets, squares and entities dedicated to her. And more...